Leading up to the ACBN Legacy Symposium I thought it would be good to sharpen our networking skills with 5 key tips on building relationships in person. As you know we have the king of Networking Dr. George Fraser who will be dropping gems but we should be prepared ahead of time. Here are 5 tips to consider:



Smile and make eye contact. When you meet someone in person, start by smiling and making eye contact. This will help to create a warm and welcoming environment and show that you are approachable and friendly.

Ask Questions

Be curious and ask questions. Show genuine interest in the person you are speaking with by asking thoughtful questions and actively listening to their responses. This will help to build rapport and establish a connection.

Share Passions

Do not only share your business but also your passions. Share your own passions and interests with others, and do so with enthusiasm and joy. This can help to spark conversation and establish common ground.

Add Value

Offer help and value. Look for ways to offer value and help others in your network, whether that’s by connecting them with someone in your network or sharing your expertise. This can help to build trust and establish a positive reputation.

Follow Up

Follow up and stay in touch. After you’ve made a new connection, make sure to follow up and stay in touch. Send a personalized message or email, and look for opportunities to continue the conversation or meet up in person.

Speaking of Following Up!

LinkedIn is an underrated tool that can amplify your follow-up. Here are some tips to consider to help you effectively use the social media networking platform.

Here are some tips on how to use LinkedIn to increase business


Optimize your profile: First impressions are crucial, and your LinkedIn profile is often the first impression people have of you and your business. Make sure your profile is complete, accurate, and professional. Use a high-quality headshot, write a compelling headline, and ensure that your summary and work experience are up to date.


Build your network: Send a connection request to people you meet at the event and open the conversation by sending a  note with the request to remind them of how you met.


Share valuable content: Share relevant and informative content that showcases your expertise and adds value to your connections. This will help you establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry and increase your visibility on the platform.


Engage with your network. Like and comment on your connections’ posts and share your own content to encourage engagement. This will help you stay top of mind with your network and build stronger relationships.


Publish articles: LinkedIn’s publishing platform is a great way to showcase your expertise and reach a wider audience. Write articles on topics that are relevant to your business and share them with your network.


Be consistent: Finally, consistency is key on LinkedIn. Make sure you’re posting regularly, engaging with your network, and updating your profile as needed. This will help you stay top of mind with your connections and position your business for success on the platform.


Finally – Export your data from LinkedIn so that you can keep your connections organized. There are interesting tools like LeadDelta that allow you to make notes about your connections and tag them.

Let's Connect on LinkedIn

Looking forward to seeing you at the next event and also connecting on Linkedin!

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